Thursday, June 10, 2010

Options available - limited time opportunity to get your .02 in!

 Juanita and I met with Holly LaRochelle today at the rec centre - she had a lot of neat ideas re: programming for homeschool families who are available to take advantage of the relatively empty building during the day...

Two ideas stuck out to us as really good ones -
1. a "gym and swim" day - once a week - where kids 6-12 or so could meet, learn a sport (wallyball? floor hockey? lacrosse?) and then go swimming... Right now the pricing she's thinking of would be 70$ for 8 weeks (once a week) but we could look at other pricing structures or drop in type pricing with a minimum of people attending, which could possibly be much more reasonable.

 2. an arts/crafts day - again, we could do this once a week if we wanted - and they would have different teachers teach to their specialities...
These two sounded like the most interesting to the women who were at the meeting at my house a few weeks ago :)

But there were definitely many other ideas, including drama, geocaching, sports camps (ie. hockey skills etc) -
We also asked her about gymnastics here in Hinton, and she explained that there is a bare minimum funding of 5000$ that would need to be invested even for just basic beginner tumbling - and beyond that, it's looking like a lot of expense - i.e. to find a building for a standalone gym, or find a place like a school that has storage space (in which case there would be set up and take down constantly)..

In my opinion, we are better off joining the Hinton Gymnastics? group  on Facebook which already has 88 members -

Holly has worked with homeschooling families before and understands the different dynamics that come into play with sibling groups as opposed to same age groups, and is eager to help us find programming that fits our interests - you can contact her at the rec centre, or you can post here and i'll invite her to join us :)

 Any thoughts? I'll post more later after i go through my notes, if there are things i left out... Juanita, feel free to fill in the blanks! Oh - registration for any programs would be due the last week of August - so she is hoping to get this figured out sooner rather than later so we can start off our school year with a bang! Swimming lessons are also something that could be arranged right now, so if that's something most of you would like, let's let Holly know right away!

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