Thursday, May 20, 2010

Field Trips at Kelley's Bathtub!

Scott Sunderwald just returned my phone call re: field trips to Kelley's Bathtub

Cost - 2$/student - max size of the group is 30

They are fully booked - we could get in, though, June 28 - 29 possibly.
OR we can wait for next fall...

Programs available are
Lost in the Woods (survival) - Kindergarten level
Nature Detective (grade one)
Bugology (grades 2-3)
Wetland Wonderland (grades 3-5)
Art in the Park (grades 3+)
Forest Forensics (grade6)
Environmental Monitoring (grade 7)

there are more options that run in the fall, and a neat winter survival one too...

I'll send through the original document he sent me so you can all see the full descriptions etc...

Is anyone interested in doing this at the end of June (after our year end picnic) - or will you all be ready to relax on the back porch with a lemonade and a magazine?

I would book us in early if we were interested in September instead - the nice thing about the fall is that the weather is more likely to be nice, and we'd have the park all to ourselves - if we go at the end of June, we would be sharing the park with other school groups.

Let me know and i'll get back to Scott right away!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Update and thoughts for next year...

So it's been awhile since i've posted, but i've got my notes from our homeschool moms meeting a couple of Saturdays ago, and thought I'd post what sounded good to people, and we can go from there in terms of planning...

First of all, the BBQ in Brule - Juanita is hoping we can change this to Saturday - it works for me - any of you? We still need to plan games/activities - anyone have any other special ideas? Juanita brought certificates last year - maybe a photo booth? (says the lady who brings her camera everywhere) - prizes?

Art Coop - possibly every other week? Possibly two groups? One for older children and one for youngers? Sheila has a program that she likes, and some of the other moms also have resources for arts/crafts . Is there enough interest in learning sketching that we could hire a local artist to do a six week session for us? Sheila also recommended a CD called Phonics of Drawing program that was very step by step...

Drama - this came up while discussing art - Sheila is willing to help the older children write and put on a play - i would be willing to plan something fun to do with the younger siblings if this were something we had enough interest in...

Library Day - We weren't sure about what form this would take - but i do have invitations from the library, if we as a group would like to come in and talk about their online services (which will honestly take your breath away), or just a library orientation time. We can also use their Teck Coal room for free as i'm a library board member :) -

Homeschool Choir - well, this is just me itching to do a little extra music - if only i had a few more voices :) - I am thinking we could do this over the fall and end with a trip to Pine Valley retirement home... We have quite a lot of musical families and moms willing to help out, or even who might like to be involved in something like this. As a family, we've provided music for the Pine Valley Christmas dinner the past two years, and it would be fun to include the whole homeschooling group...

Field Days - i am hoping to talk to the coordinator out at Switzer park today about field science days - i will make a separate post about that! But other ideas included
`museum in Edmonton/Zoo (travel as a group, get a group discount)
`Ft. Edmonton park - free admission on some days
`Kelly's Bathtub - biology field trips
`recycling round up - field trip to the recycling centre (Juanita is looking into this one, as she's the field trip queen!)
`the dump - some concerns about the safety of our vehicles and of our children...
`possibly have a field trip to visit some horses

Halloween - recognizing that we all have different ways to handle this holiday - we thought it might be fun to gang together and do something fun that night. Some families have a tradition of going out to eat instead of being home - other families celebrate REformation day with games and a German dinner by candlelight - if there is interest in getting together to avoid the costumes and themes, we could easily have a great night together instead!

year end banquet - this was a neat idea - the idea is to celebrate and show off what the students have learned not just in academics, but in music, drama, projects, in their hobbies or service work.

Christmas - we had a great banquet this year - Kim suggested maybe putting together a living Nativity - this could probably be an easy thing to put together, even for some of the older children to arrange

Fishing - the Alvarez and Parton families suggested fishing as a group activity - i know my littles would love that, too!

Horses - Kim's mom may have a lead on a field trip this way

Mechanics - Vinicio Alvarez may be able to teach some of the older children useful skills esp regarding car maintenance etc - sounds great!

helicopter tours - this is a possibility we could set this up through the forestry department?

mine tour - i think this one is coming up soon! Whoever sees it in the paper - please post here!

swimming lessons - Kristy and Natalie are wondering if there is enough interest for us to nab lesson times during public school hours - Natalie said the last time she checked, the times available were after 2:30- until 3;30 as there were still lifeguards available - the possibility would be to break into two groups for ability levels..

skating - public skating happens M/W/F - this would be an easy one to arrange :)

I know this is a lot to read! But i hope you found a few things that sound great to you - if anyone wants to organize one of these things, feel free!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Being Open

I read a beautiful blog tonight - Robin Sampson writes the Heart of Wisdom curriculum booklets - they're like nothing else in homeschooling, and i always wondered where that came from. She is also a co author of the big book of Jewish holidays that i've used with my littles.

Anyway, this blog post was about being transparent, being open about our mistakes and sins, and enjoying knowing and being known.

I thought it was beautifully done, and that i could share it with all of you, too...

Here is her post. Browse around and pray for her, and for us all, that we can be concerned not so much about what our appearances say, but what is in our hearts and who God sees when He looks at us...

Confirmation that the meeting is, indeed, at my home!

Okay, now it's for sure - so please come to my house!
Saturday morning 10 am. - bring treats to share if you feel so inclined :) and be prepared with ideas for the end of the year BBQ and any things you'd like to do as a homeschool group for next year - i know a few of us have some fun ideas for special days/field trips/lessons - so let's decide which are most attractive and plan for some fun togetherness next year!

Mom's meeting on May 8th

Hey homeschoolers!
I hope you are all planning to come for our parent get together this Saturday at 10 a.m..

We are considering changing the venue (to my house!) - let me know if you are planning to attend, and i'll send you my address if you don't have it already...


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Welcome to Hinton Home Educators!

I just created this blog because the Facebook Groups app wanted a website and i thought that it would be a great idea, too! So within the last ten minutes i've created a homeschool yahoogroup (, a facebook group, and this blog... welcome to the world of homeschooling, if you're just curious, and if you're a local homeschooler, please come back and check out what's happening in Hinton for home educating families! If you have any news, please leave me a note here and i'll make sure i post it!

First post coming up soon...